How expensive are Maine Coon cats?

How expensive are Maine coons? To answer that question directly, anywhere from 1,500- 6,000 USD. It’s a very wide range, and there are even exceptions on both sides of this price spectrum. But this is what you should expect when you start out to find a kitten. The reasons behind this are many a varied…. Let’s talk about some of them.

Bloodlines, and Pedigree

Definitely this plays a big part,  especially depending on the breeder, and the pedigrees they have, and the money they have put into them. When a conscientious breeder is looking for more breeding stock ( Kings and Queens ), we often end up going over seas for them. This means lots of money, possibly being taken advantage of, and lots of time!  We do this to ensure fresh blood, and no inbreeding! This said, there are people who don’t do this, and still charge very high prices for their kitten. 

The more certificates a Cattery has behind them ( registrations and pedigree holders) ( TICA, TCF…etc) the more expensive the kittens as well. This is not to say the kitten that come with only one registration are not as healthy or high quality, it’s just that the Cattery that has more, would have more money wrapped up in certifications. And this will likely be reflected in the price. 

Colors and Patterns

Let’s talk about the rainbow!! Ok not quite, but if you ever hear someone say “ that doesn’t look like a Maine Coon”, they can’t be referring to the coat color!! Because there is hardly a color or pattern that doesn’t exist in Maine coons. And the more rare , the more expensive. (If you’re very interested in all the different colors, shades and patterns, I plan to do a blog on this topic, so please look for it.)But yes this definitely does play a role in pricing for some breeder!   Some though just have a set price and each kitten has the same adoption fee, no matter the color or pattern.Tabby/ Torbis  are typically a little less then your smoke/silver /shell. Also polydactyl kittens are almost always more expensive! They are rare( they have extra toes)!!! A true big foot!:)

So that’s definitely something to keep in mind, as you look for your kitty, there are lots of different “ looks” out there! 


Most breeders are trying their best to bring forth the right look, even just as pets. So this means we are looking for quality in the kittens, and even if they will not further of breeding program, or enter a showing, they need to adhere to the highest quality. So depending on that quality, there might be a price difference there as well. I believe every kitten deserves a good home, so in saying that, if I am not sure the kittens coloring, or conformation  embodies the  best of the Maine Coon breed, then I would consider lowering its adoption fee to help it be more attractive to perspective, buyers. All this to say, quality plays a part!

Care, and Living Expenses

When you undertake to raise cats, there is a duty to do your best, and give them all you can! In saying this, we have a lot in our coon cats , as does any respectable breeder. So we definitely have cost to cover. Food, litter, toys, veterinary bills.. etc, just to name a few. And if we want you to know we have kittens, there is the expense of advertising, and the time it takes.  

I hope this helps you understand why Maine Coons are often “ so expensive “. As well as giving you an idea of what honorable breeds are doing behind the scenes. As always, do your research, and feel free to get in touch with us.


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